About Us
V-Help is a website for students to have a smoother stay at VIT .Along with this it is a way of learning and growth as students of VIT are the one making this website. We are here to mend your needs and help you in difficult situations.
Information regarding classes
You have your class schedule available in one click. You get information about the faculty from a reliable website. We also provide you with all the study materials that you will need in preparation for your upcoming exams.
This website makes everything way easier!!
Hostel and Mess
Hostel life is hard without support, we are ready to be your backbone and help you with your laundry schedules, mess menu, and important information regarding everything happening in the hostels. It gives
Group Chat
Lost and Found
How many things have you lost till now?
It is very hard for information to reach in such a big campus, Hence this website is making it way simpler to track your things down or report something you found.
Buying and Selling
Have you ever wanted something but weren't able to get it? Here you can find what to buy, where to buy it from, where to sell something you bought, and much more.
Club Information
We provide you with a way to connect and socialize with people from all batches and branches.
Our Services
V-Help provides you with a range of services that will help you out at hard times, For example if you need help with repairs on an electrical device we can give you contact information on the best available options for you.
Keeping up with all the events and club activities is hard no more! We will keep you updated on the latest news from all the clubs.
As a student it is hard to part with your money We understand your pain and hence we will provide you with the best deals that are there to offer in the market .